
School Board

The Peel District School Board must be held accountable for its actions. This means ensuring that board members are transparent in their decision-making and that they are responsive to the needs of the community. It also means making sure that they are held accountable for their spending and for the quality of education established in their region.

School Administration

When students have bad experiences at school – whether that be because of the administration, teachers, or bullying – it can have detrimental effects on their personal growth and development. Parents must have a say in the running of their children’s schools and not have their concerns fall on deaf ears. School administrators and teachers are at the forefront of facilitating our children’s education and critical development, a job that must be reserved for those who understand its importance and hold it in the highest regard.


Systemic Problems

As one of the most diverse cities in one of the most diverse countries in the world, the Peel District School Board must establish an effective action plan to combat the systemic discrimination entrenched in the organization. This plan must be detailed, and a timeline must be set, including enhanced training for teachers and admin staff on Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-black and anti-Asian hate that has been on the rise. Education staff must become equipped with the right tools to identify problems in their interactions with students and with interactions amongst students themselves, whilst having the right skills to address them. 

Educational Curriculums

Education itself is crucial in curbing future stereotypes and discriminatory thinking.  The Peel District School Board must ensure that inclusive language and multicultural mindsets are present in the school curriculum, and classes should strive to become representative of the communities they are in. Most importantly, non-partisan civic education has to increase in our curriculums. Canadian children have to learn what our democracy means and how to engage in it actively (without imprinting on them who to engage with).


Teaching Methods

one size fits all education system is no longer effective in today’s world. We must bend to the needs of students. Curriculums and teaching techniques must adapt and consider new research on learning abilities. Students learn differently; some are auditory, some are visual, and some are practical learners. We have to ensure that implemented teaching techniques are conducive to the needs of students and best meet their learning abilities. 

CO-curricular Activities

The Peel District School Board’s attitude toward extra-curricular activities needs to be updated. We can no longer discriminate against less economically developed school districts that are not able to establish their own extra-curricular activity programs. We must strive to ensure that schools have all the necessary requirements to continue and expand their extra-curricular activities. Universities worldwide, including the University of Toronto, have shifted their mindset away from EXTRA-curricular activities towards CO-curricular activities to highlight their importance and encourage student participation. The PDSB has to become an avid supporter of our children’s development and ensure the tools for their success are always made available. 

Post-secondary Paths

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to education, and that needs to be accepted. University is a great option for many people, but it is not the only option. We need to encourage students to explore all their options and choose the best path for them. Post-secondary education is an excellent path for personal development, academic continuation, and specialisation. It is the path I chose because it was the best path for me; however, it may not be the best path for everyone. We must encourage students to take their time in finding what is best for them, whether that be university, college, vocational school, or a trade.

Leadership. Experience. Action.

ELECT JAD GHALI×-705-px-595-×-595-px.png

Jad's Message

Community Leader & Education Advocate

We are privileged to live in a progressive and innovative society. Our democracy embraces openness and accountability, and voters are the ones who have pushed Canada towards the modernity we see today. Come October 24, elect a platform that brings that innovative and modern mindset into our schools. Elect a platform that responds to research and ensures that our children are given a competitive start in life. Elect an educated approach to our education systems. Children are our future, and it is time we start acting like it!

Double Major in Political Science & Sociology

Due Diligence Researcher & Youth Advocate

Leader in Developing Communities

Life-long Learner

Leadership. Experience. Action.